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Statuts de l’association


⚠ Please note that this is approximate English traduction and there may be some misinterpretation. French version

Statutes of the association declared in France in accordance with the law of July 1, 1901, and the decree of August 16, 1901.

Article 1 - NAME

An association governed by the french law of July 1, 1901, and its decree of August 16, 1901, is hereby established among the adherents to these statutes, under the name: Friends of OpenPGP (foopgp)

Article 2 - PURPOSE

This association aims to bring together all individuals or entities that use or develop technological solutions based on OpenPGP standards.

The values upheld by the association are Transparency, Benevolence, Cooperation, and Proximity.

The objectives of the association are to promote and facilitate the adoption of these technologies and support their growth and use.

To achieve these goals, the association organizes events, workshops, and training sessions. It informs about technological developments related to OpenPGP through all media (print or broadcast, Internet, social networks, etc.) and by all means (web servers, blogs, mailing lists, etc.).

The association may also host and promote the collaborative development of software projects related to OpenPGP.

The association may, as a regular practice, offer products for sale, sell them, or provide services related to OpenPGP standards.

The association may collect donations and financially support third-party projects that contribute to the development of technological solutions based on OpenPGP standards.


The registered office is located at:

75, Impasse Serre des Isnards. 05000 Pelleautier

It may be transferred by a simple decision of the board of directors.

Article 4 - DURATION

The duration of the association is unlimited.


The association consists of members: individuals, and partners: legal entities.

Article 6 - ADMISSION

To become a member of the association, approval by the board of directors is required, which decides on admission applications at each of its meetings.


Active members are those who are up to date with the payment of fees set by the internal regulations , such as the membership fee.

Only active members can:

  • express their votes
  • receive additional power tokens (see Article 10bis)


Membership is terminated by:

  • Resignation;
  • Expulsion decided by the board of directors for serious reasons, after the member has been invited by any means to provide explanations before the board and/or in writing.

Active membership is lost by:


The present association may join other associations, unions, or groupings by decision of the board of directors.

Article 10 - RESOURCES

The resources of the association include:

  • The amount of the contributions;
  • Grants from the European Union, the State, departments, and municipalities.
  • All resources authorized by current laws and regulations, including donations, legacies, and crowdfunding.english
  • The proceeds from its economic activities.



For each member donation, personalized and individual power tokens are offered to participate in votes on decisions.

This mechanism aims to reward donors while providing an additional source of funding for the association.

The board of directors determines within a specific internal regulation the terms of offering power tokens to members, their characteristics (pseudonymity, indivisibility, fungibility, (de)materialization, (de)centralization), and the logarithmic quantities of power tokens based on donations.

The board of directors also determines, if necessary, the growth coefficient of the number of power tokens within the association, as well as the mandatory contributions due to the number of power tokens held, and the polynomial smoothing methods of power tokens to address factual inequalities.


The ordinary general meeting includes all individual members of the association, regardless of their status.

It meets at least once every calendar year.

At least fifteen days before the set date, the members of the association are convened by the care of the board of directors. The agenda is included in the invitations.

The president, assisted by the board members, chairs the meeting and presents the moral or activity situation of the association.

The treasurer reports on his management and submits the accounts of the past calendar year for approval by the assembly.

The general assembly sets the value of the operating parameters defined by the internal regulations , such as the amount of the contribution to be paid by the members.

Only the items on the agenda can be discussed.

Decisions are made by a majority of the votes cast by active members, present or represented.

After the agenda is exhausted, the outgoing members of the board are renewed.

The decisions of the general meetings are binding on all members, including absentees or those represented.


If necessary, or at the request of more than half of the registered members, the president may convene an extraordinary general meeting, following the procedures provided for in these statutes and only for amendments to the statutes or internal regulations, dissolution, or actions concerning real estate.

The convocation procedures are the same as for the ordinary general meeting.

Deliberations are made by a majority of the votes cast by active members, present or represented.


The association is directed by a board of directors of at least 2 members (president and treasurer), elected for 3 years by the general assembly. Members are eligible for re-election.

In case of vacancies, the board of directors provides for the temporary replacement of its members.

They are definitively replaced by the next general assembly. The powers of the members thus elected end upon the expiry of the mandate of the replaced members.

The board of directors meets upon convocation by the president.

Decisions are made by a majority of votes; in case of a tie, the president’s votes are decisive.

The treasurer, together with the president in joint signature, are the only persons authorized to commit the association’s funds (signing a lease, opening a bank account, and banking operations).


All management functions, including those of the members of the board of directors, are voluntary.

Only expenses incurred in the performance of their duties are reimbursed on presentation of receipts. The financial report presented at the ordinary general meeting shows, by beneficiary, the reimbursement of mission, travel, or representation expenses.


An internal regulation is established by the board of directors, and any modification must be approved by the general assembly.

This possible regulation is intended to set various points not provided for in these statutes, particularly those relating to the internal administration of the association.

Article 16 - DONATIONS

The report and annual accounts, as defined in Article 11, shall be sent annually to the Prefect of the department.

The association undertakes to present its accounting records and documents upon requisition by the administrative authorities regarding the use of any donations it may be authorized to receive, to allow the representatives of these competent authorities to visit its premises, and to report to them on the operation of said premises.

Adopted at an extraordinary general meeting on Sunday, March 24, 2024, in Pelleautier, and in effect from this date until further notice.

Previous statutes