Legal Notice

  • About
  • Updated 2024-06-28T12:22+02:00.


“Friends of OpenPGP” (foOpgp) is born in France under the status of association. RNA Number: W052008166.

Its statutes stipulate its object:

to bring together all individuals or legal entities that use or develop technological solutions based on OpenPGP standards, according to the values carried by the association which are transparency, benevolence, cooperation and proximity; to promote and facilitate the adoption of these technologies and to support their growth and use.


75, impasse Serre des Isnards - 05000 Pelleautier. FRANCE.


The website does not use any cookie or database.

You can check and even host this website yourself: all the code and its content is open and accessible on a git repository .

In order to adapt the site to the demands of our visitors, however, we analyze the traffic with GoAccess . The data collected (IP address, User-Agent…) are accessible to all . If so much transparency bothers you, we advise you to use TOR or to modify your User-Agent .

Intellectual property

Combining these two terms is nonsense . That said, unless otherwise stated, all content is under the CC BY SA 4.0 License .